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Welcome to our Virtual Clinic

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Before starting your session make sure you have read all the information regarding Telehealth as your physiotherapist is required to obtain informed consent regarding:


  • You as a client are aware of any limitations that tele-rehabilitation service presents as compared to an in-person encounter for that client’s situation, such as the inability to perform hands-on examination, assessment, and treatment.

  • That we require your permission for videotaping, recording, or storing information and data from the tele-rehabilitation session, for the transmission of information via tele-rehabilitation technologies, and for the participation of other health care providers or the client’s family in the provision of care.


Safety Considerations

  • Make sure you understand the safety protocol in place in the event of an emergency or adverse event (for example, client medical emergency such as a heart attack or a fall. We will contact your regional emergency services and your emergency contact number you provided.

  • Make sure we have an alternative method of contacting you and you received the alternate contact number for our physio. For example, in the case of internet failure, we should have a way to telephone you.

  • It is also recommended that all technologies are trialled prior to client appointments to ensure good functioning of the system.

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© 2019 Jessa Eng Physiotherapist Corp.

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